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Home » [Review] API Quick Start- Cycle Your Fish Tank Effectively!

[Review] API Quick Start- Cycle Your Fish Tank Effectively!

Api Quick Start Review

If you have an aquarium at your home or office, keep it clean and free from bacteria. You may be familiar with the fish tank cycle, which helps keep your aquarium safe and clean. API Quick Start is the fluid to help enable an effective fish tank cycle. It is an aquarium bacteria supplement that adds beneficial nitrifying bacteria into the tank and gives it a kick start. If you want to set up a new tank, then you need API Quick Start that ensures your fish’s health.

Do you remember the aquarium nitrogen cycle? In this cycle, the nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrite and then nitrite to nitrate.

In water, organic waste matter such as waste food and fish faeces decompose, producing ammonia. The fish release it directly through their gills into the water column. The Nitrifying bacteria mainly inhabit the biological filtration system, but it also colonizes the substrate and mechanical filtration.

With the help of API Quick Start, you can boost up these colonies of bacteria and increase the aquarium’s capacity by removing nitrite and ammonia. But how exactly does API quick start work? Check everything about API QuickStart here!

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Features of API Quick Start

As mentioned above, the nitrifying bacteria remove the ammonia and nitrite from the tank. Both nitrite and ammonia are toxic to fish, even if they consume them in small amounts. Therefore, ammonia poisoning is dangerous and can cause health issues for fish.

If you have just bought a new aquarium, fish might suffer from a new track syndrome where nitrite and ammonia spikes. Not just the new one, but sometimes, if you have an established tank, you can also face the problem of new tank syndrome.

API Quick Start contains two types of bacteria: Nitrosomonas eutropha and Nitrobacter Winogradski. The first will convert ammonia into nitrate, and the second will convert nitrite into less toxic nitrate.

Putting API Quick Start bacteria into new tanks will improve the speed of the fishing tank cycle and make the tank even safer for fish. Adding these bacteria to the established tank will keep their colonies in the filter system; ensure that nitrite and ammonia levels are stable. The solution offered is not just for the freshwater but also the marine.

1.     Easy to Use

Using API Quick Start is quite an easy task. But a person should always put the right amount of supplement into the tank water and ensure there is no API quick start overdose because if the amount of substance is high, it will affect fish.

2.     Suitability

It is always better to use API Quick Start for the freshwater tanks. You can also find API Marine QuickStart for the saltwater tanks. Several researchers have briefed about API and if you want to test the effectiveness of the product, then go through the research. The results shown to them are utterly conclusive as it works well for people.

3.     Bottle Sizing

While purchasing API Quick Start, you will find that it comes in different sizes, such as bottles of 4oz, 8oz, 16 oz, and even 32oz. When you have multiple bottle sizes, then it allows users to choose the appropriate bottle for the tank. So, for instance, you will not need to purchase a 32 oz bottle for your 5-gallon nano tank.

However, it will be just a waste of plastic if you consider buying multiple smaller bottles for the large aquarium. So, you should consider it before purchasing multiple bottles because this needs to be clarified even though you can recycle the plastic. 

4.     Value for Money

Once you have API quick start, then it will be worth spending money. It can be pretty useful as it keeps the aquarium healthy, which is crucial. It also keeps an eye on the nitrites and nitrates, which can harm fish and even lead to death.

Using this will give you a simple and effective solution which is why spending money on API quick start is worth it. Moreover, do you know for API quick start how long to wait so the results will be given? It will not be long, but when you put the API QuickStart into the aquarium, you will see that it will keep the aquarium healthy for a long time.

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·        Excellent product that you can add to any aquarium and will help in faster growth of the fish and easy recovery

·        Can be used in both saltwater and freshwater

·        Used for the mid-sized aquarium

·        The API quick start includes the live bacteria and enzymes that can consume ammonia. This helps remove the ammonia and nitrite from the tank water and keeps it safe for the fish.

·        Prevent fish loss


·        Have hard packaging that is quite hard to reseal.

How Often Should You Use API Quick Start?

The product is usually used in the cycling process of the new aquarium. It is used whenever the water is changed or when you clean the aquarium. When there is a water change, API Quickstart removes the bacteria directly and even harms the colonies of bacteria that are good for the water. That is why you should use it frequently just after the water change.

While putting the supplement in the water, you should be careful. It requires 10mL of treats and 10 gallons of water. So that means if you have a tank with 50 gallons of water, you can use 50mL of API Quick Start.

Why API Quick Start? – The Final Verdict

If you want to keep your tank free from Ammonia and Nitrite, then choosing API quick start is the best option. You may know that if the level of nitrite and ammonia is high, then that can cause harm to your fish. Even if you compare API quick start vs seachem stability, API QuickStart will be the perfect option for a mid-size aquarium. 

API Quick Start


Ease of Use


Value for money


Safe to Use





  • Excellent product that you can add to any aquarium and will help in faster growth of the fish and easy recovery
  • Can be used in both saltwater and freshwater
  • Used for the mid-sized aquarium
  • Includes the live bacteria and enzymes
  • Prevent fish loss


  • Have hard packaging that is quite hard to reseal

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